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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yay! 2 days off in a row!

Today, the child and I were able to get out on our bikes and ride together. Our friend's were having a b-day party for their 1 year old across town. M's parents were in town from L.A. so her mom and I talked about how things could be if I were to move there. Of course, at the end, I was forced to again recognize the biggest barrier, the rent prices out there. They all live right in Hollywood which I'm sure is higher still. Her husband works two jobs to support his family and has to drive an hour out to one of them. Struggle. I do enough of that here, don't know if it would be worth it in the long run.

Once we got home, we grabbed the dog and headed to Powderhorn Park - once there, we were pleasantly surprised at the toads who were dutifully singing in chorus - mating season. They were also very easy to catch due to their state, bonus!

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