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Friday, May 28, 2010

I can't figure out and understand what would make a cyclist veer out in front of a car that is within 1 to 2 car lengths to join the lane and ultimately get in front of said car,(Ex. to prepare for a left turn) without some sort of hand signal to indicate movement. Not only is it dangerous, it's arrogant behavior and most likely would piss most drivers off and rightfully so.

And with that, the same goes for cyclists who blatantly run stop signs in front of waiting cars without a stop themselves or even a pause or a nod. I run stop signs, I do. But if there are cars sitting there or approaching at the same time, I stop then proceed as it's my turn. If there is any way that we will advocate for equal rights and sharing the road - it is by being polite and following common sense when there are drivers around. Even more frustrating is when one cyclist stops at a stop sign and another barrels through and nearly takes out the person who has the right away - sort of like the jackasses who do the same thing at the 5th St. Greenway crossing. Bullshit.

Just had to vent - saw some dumb move this morning that reminded me of all of the above.

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