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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It was a beautiful morning for a bike ride. I felt kind of bad passing the old dude on a rickety mountain bike that was clearly too small for him but had to do it. I greeted him as I passed in a guesture of solidarity and in an attempt to not seem like I was trying to barge by.

We finally had a chance to get to ourgarden, I got some of the weeds out and put rich soil around my plants. So far what I have in looks great despite having planted it early! I need to pick up tomato and pepper plants this week. It's basically a salsa and salad/guinea pig garden this year. I also have edamame and sugar snap peas for snacking. I am most exicted right now to harvest our garlic and onions!

Last night, the little lady and I took another evening walk - this time the toads were less active at the park but were still humming and toading around.

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