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Sunday, November 8, 2009

File under awkward: an attempt to fulfill my final array of courses at the community college and prepare to transfer into my final school, I was searching for a 2 credit course - I stumbled upon an Accordian lesson "course" that would fulfill one area of general requirements. Hey! I have an accordian that I haven't learned to play yet and here was a perfect opportunity!

Per the instructions on the course listing, I called the person listed as the instructor to find out if I could register then arrange for our weekly meeting time.

A woman answered. I asked for L, the gentleman listed. At first she couldn't hear me so I repeated the name, she replied "Well that's impossible." Pause. Okay... She then asked me something along the lines of what did I want or whatnot. I stated that I was on the MCTC website trying to register for this accordian class and it instructed me to call this number and speak to L. She replies "He died in September!" Oh. I just said "I apologize" and we wrapped up the call quickly.

I immediately called the school and let them know what had happened and that the site obviously needed to be updated.

That whole situation sucked in so many ways.

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