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Sunday, November 29, 2009


The little lady and I set off to bike down to Whole Foods (we chose this store so we could get some mileage in...and the samples didn't hurt either) this afternoon - right before we left I created a new playlist for my iHome bike speaker dealio. I loaded onto my ipod and set off down the stairs. I popped it in. Nothing. I changed the batteries just in case that was the problem. Nothing. Now I was grumpy. I stomped upstairs and tossed it down and we left.

When I got back, it was determined not to turn on. So...I prepared to toss it but held off. I was lucky enough to find it on clearance for 20.00 when I got it so I'm not out a bunch but now I am debating whether or not to try another one. The CyFi is too expensive for me but I would hate to buy another iHome and have a duplicate experience.

ETA: Hold the presses! I just went downstairs and gave it another whirl - it took a minute but we got power! Hopefully whatever was causing the issue is done causing it for now. I want my tunes!

As Kurtis Blow would say "These are The Breaks!"

I'm also in the market for some quality panniers. I prefer handmade, specifically the Queen Bee ones but the price for one is the same as a set at Black Star Bags. I'm getting to the point where I am sick of hauling by bag around on my back for quick jaunts or as today panned out - carrying a load in my bag when I could just stuff it into a pannier. I had coffee, a bag of Timothy hay and a bag of food for the G. Pig, 2 kryptonite bike locks (one for me, one for Ana), a bottle of water and other debris that hangs out in my bag at all times (armwarmers, wallet, compact bike pump, bike tool, tail light, notepad, junk, junk, junk) and once we pulled in at home, I popped my bag off and felt pinching in my back. Clearly my lifestyle since I've procured this van has caused my back to weaken and feel old.

While seeking out the perfect panniers, I stumbled across this beaut of a front crate for hauling items, including drink holders for coffee, for example. I'm already halfway there with my CETMA rack, although I have yet to install it (I was going to leave that to the pros, I have my reason but don't feel like explaining).

Either way, it's all window shopping right now. Things are still tight and our upcoming trip back to MI will need a little funding as well.
I did 2 overnights at the shelter this week and found that I feel like I really want to start doing one shift every week or as close to it as possible. It's so much easier to be there and hang when you "know" the guys that you're working with.

I find their stories amazing...for example, I sat with a guy Friday night who had been attending film production school - he pulled out his laptop and showed me some of his work and his software that creates stop action animation and other things (like the menu page of a dvd, for example). He was halfway through his program with no degree yet. I'm unsure of what drove him here from LA and why he didn't finish his program, he didn't tell me and I didn't ask, it's not my place to necessarily. I worry about his laptop being stolen and therefore all of his work and tools to do work...

Another guy stopped in early Saturday morning as everyone was gearing up to leave for the day (they have to be out by 7am). We were talking about his ipod which turned into him telling me about his story - abandoned in the hospital as a baby, grew up in S. Central LA in foster care, finally was adopted, always did really well in school, got a scholarship which he went to University with but didn't finish due to bad choices, eventually got an attempted murder charge (plus others prior to dealing with weapons, drugs, etc..) and spent 15 years in a TN prison. He's been out for 8 months and trying to find work...not likely to happen unless he can find someone that isn't going to do a background check or someone that is willing to work with his past (he has had a few opportunities, one that is a company that will given ex-offenders a chance to work and to prove themselves).

When given this information, I often don't know what to say, what the person is looking for from me - help? just a listening ear to vent to?

It's giving me the interpersonal skills to simply listen and not try to offer advice or fixes to their problems. I will give resources to community services and offer up supportive words and things for them to ponder (as needed) but try to just be there for them as a shoulder to lean on if they want it. A lot of the men never open up. There are a bunch that I would like to know their story but don't feel comfortable asking if they haven't offered up an background information. I'm not an advocate by job title so it isn't my "need to know".

This week I applied at another shelter that is in our system of private shelters, they need someone to work about 10 hours a week split between 2 shifts. The pay isn't great (9/hr) but it would supplement my full time job and give me something as my temporary position ends in April. It also gives me more on the job experience which I know is valuable to finding my permanent career position in the upcoming months/years.

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