My Blog List

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Today I broke one of my cardinal rules of walking in certain areas of this fine city - there are several aspects:
- walking alone, had to.
- carrying no bags or purse, been mugged, don't like my things pilfered.
- wearing a skirt, nevermind that it was flowy and I have black tights on underneath.

I took a lunch time stroll to Pineda today, didn't want to bike (see previous entry) or bus (it's too nice out and I would have boarded the bus then immediately disembarked, not to mention the waiting...

I had a man in a big business type truck turn into the alley in front of me, blocking it, look at me weird, then backed up and continued on the way he was headed in the first place. Huh?

A mere honk was the 2nd offense. Which, in the scheme of things, I could care less about that as long as they stay in their car and keep moving.

A few years ago, I was wearing sweater tights, a jean skirt and a hoodie paired with my messenger bag (probably) as I walked to pick my daughter up from her afterschool program - some asshat stopped and asked if I "needed a ride". Christ!

Men never cease to amaze me. Having a daughter freaks me out.

I don't know, I don't THINK I look like a woman looking "for a ride". I rarely show any skin, I don't wear make-up (aside from eyeliner), I don't wear heels, etc...

Lesson learned - walk with a bag, even if empty.

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