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Monday, March 29, 2010

So tired. I keep nearly doozing off here at my desk.

Another impossibly busy weekend. I think I put in nearly 60 hours this week between 3jobs and add 2 2+ hour long classes in there. YAWN! I do enjoy the financial security however (the kid and I are planning to trip to the City of Angels this summer and my friend in Vermont is getting married this summer as well) and my jobs all have their perks and downers.

One challenge to my new gig is learning the names of 80 new men (plus my co-workers) on top of the 45 men I have to remember each weekend. Thankfully the new job doesn't get a lot of resident turnover and the shelter also has a large percentage of regulars or notable people who I couldn't forget for one reason or another.

And a downer is that I have to do more policing. At the shelter, the rule is simple: it's a sober environment, we breath-a-lize and someone blows positive, they lose their bed or have to take a night out. Same if they are caught with a drug.
At my new job, we practice Harm Reduction as it relates to chronic alcoholism - this means that they cannot bring booze into the building (or drugs) but they can drink in a designated area (to keep them off the streets and out of detox) and lock up leftovers in a provided locker in the lobby. But the problem with this is that the men try to "smuggle" in booze in various containers or various ways. And we have to check their bags and ask them to pull open their coats, etc.. I don't like having to be that person but I suppose they know to expect it. From what I hear, and will soon experience I'm sure, is that when some of them get too drunk or blacked out, it's harder to get them to hand over the booty or they cuss us out. I know not to take it personally but still.

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