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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My co-worker and I were discussing one of our residents yesterday when she said that he told her once that he "always get a seat to himself on the bus" - because people are scared of him.

It's really too bad that people can't get over themselves and accept others. Imagine the long term effects on his self-esteem and self-worth even if outwardly he blows it off or laughs about it.

What kind of brought me to this, we watched "The Motorcycle Diaries" in class last night. The ending when Ernesto arrived at the Leper Colony and worked with the patients brought me back to that very conversation. Is it so hard to treat people who may look different, be different or have an illness with a little dignity and respect?

I get that some of the guys I work with are very dysfunctional but at the same time, they are almost like little boys inside once you get to know them and understand. And it's true, some people will never change and some people want to remain homeless, I had a guy tell me Saturday that he prefers to be homeless although I suspect that there is more to the story (he has 5 kids in 5 places by 5 different moms so the child support garnishments alone would keep him from being housed successfully and I am not defending his actions in any way, in fact, I passed a condom to him and joked that he may need it!) and he opinion may change the older he gets. Some people are truly scary and mean individuals.

As a society we are quick to lump anyone who is different all together. We are quick to cross the street if someone walking towards us looks homeless or "street" in any sense of the word. And believe me, I don't like being panhandled either, it's uncomfortable in many ways but spitting out "Get a job" isn't helpful or educated. Some guys can't get a job because of 1 single felony - if you look up the types of crimes that may get you a felony, some of them are pretty damn petty. So many of the guys I meet struggle with mental illness of varying degrees and types and in the workplace, talking aloud or having paranoid fits doesn't fly too well. And just because someone is a chronic alcoholic doesn't mean they are a horrible person, they may act like a jerk when drunk or withdrawing but when sober they most likely are just like you and I. Human.

I understand that not everyone would agree but I hope that people take more time to think and put themselves in others shoes before spouting off.

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