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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wahhs of the day

First Wahhh:
I'm slightly aggro that there is no coffee shop within walking distance of work. In fact, the closest one is probably 10+ blocks away! I am in a gentrification free zone (which is a good thing otherwise) between Uptown and Powderhorn where there a lot of Latino restuarants, fast food joints and random stores but no coffee shop.

What is the world coming to??! Some days, I just want to run out and pick up some good coffee or an Americano, jeesh!

Second Wahhh:
The thick slippery cruddy ice can go now. It's putting a cramp in my alternative transportation plans and making me walk funny. It's also making me fret about the old man we have in shelter right now that walks with a walker because of a leg issue. How can he walk on this stuff AND navigate his walker around the big snow chunks and icy spots??


  1. to your first wah, i say that you should invest in a totally awesome french press (10 or 15 bucks or so) and make some truly fantastic coffee. i got one myself and love it. of course, you'd have to get some good beans [the co-ops] and probably a grinder if you were really serious. but that's how i roll with coffee. no scrimpin'! oh, and i almost forgot the part that makes it applicable to work; a thermos. ok, this turned into a small investment, not that i think about it. still, totally worth it, in my opinion.

    to wah number two, i say ...agreed! the ice on the sidewalks sucks, and i'm surprised that people aren't just falling down and breaking hips, young and old alike, all over the place. i walked from the bus stop to a buddies house tonight and i felt (and i'm sure looked) just like a penguin. it was humiliating.... i might be traumatized for a while by it.

  2. H - I do have a press pot at home that I am considering bringing in, if I just pre-grind my beans before I head to work, I should be set. I'm not sure why I haven't done that yet - maybe partially because my time at this day job ends in April so I've tried not to get too comfortable, I suppose that stuff is easy to get back home though.

    How was your x-mas? Did you get to go see your family?

  3. my xmas was great. i literally did nothing. no job, no school, no band (the last two i kind of missed actually). just sitting at my folks house w/ my mom & dad, sister, niece, & nephew and playing cards and Sorry [board game], talking, listening, watching movies, & playing rock band. that's it. how was yours? what did you do?
