My Blog List

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In an effort to ramp up my biking and to stretch my post-christmas gift shopping bucks, I rode in this morning. It was a slow trip and the road was still to "bumpy" with snow lumps for my comfort. Having nearly bit it before I even left view of my driveway, I wondered to myself whether or not the Surly would be as trusty a winter ride as my old Uno was. I really, really wish I had of held off and not sold that bike - I miss it like the dickens. I'm thinking that the upright North Road bars create too much play in my steering therefore increasing the chance I might hit the road - literally. Possibly after the holiday season passes I will switch out the bars, I've been back and forth so much about it, I need to just make a decision already.

All this being said, my time is just about to become very limited and I foresee driving to remain the dominent force for a while potentially. In addition to my 38 hour work week as an office dweeb at the women's shelter, I start classes again on January 11th and am supposed to begin a part-time night job at "the men's shelter of my choice" any day now - those will take up every Mon-Thurs and every other Friday in addition to an afternoon Saturday class. While I will probably want to pull my hair out, it will all pay off in the end.

I interviewed at one of the other small shelters last week but an offer came in at my 1st choice and it's more hours (also, I don't have to do laundry and would have had to at the "other place" - insert fist pumping into air!!).

The dog decided to be a pain in my arse and have gastrointestinal problems the day before our Michigan trip last week - that set me back $190 and make the x-mas gifts more sparse...

A virtual blizzard also cancelled plans concurrently. Oh well, if I don't go before I start school, I guess March is the next best time although I suppose I could miss one week's worth of classes to go home if I wanted to.

In other news, I'm officially an old lady now. I've had a secret O magazine thing for a while but never have bought one, I just read them when I run across one. Well, now, I've scored a $5 subscription via Amazon and my SIL gave it to me for a gift. Now I can't deny my transformation into little-ol-lady-hey-who! as Ariana would say.

Okay, time to bundle up and ride the lumpy roads...

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