My Blog List

Monday, October 26, 2009

I rode in for the first time since starting my new job. It's a quick jaunt down 31st Street - I made it a lot faster than I had expected. I still haven't located a bike rack here around the building, seems odd but I suppose they aren't required. We're directly across the street from the cop shop though so I feel pretty okay about parking on the corner pole.

I literally haven't rode since maybe late August, MAYBE early September. I just wasn't in the mood. I hated my old route to St. Stephen's and my bars were annoying me. I am pretty sure that I am going back to drop bars soon. The cruiser bars are okay, but I feel kind of vulnerable riding busy streets with them. I am sitting up and can't go as fast. Maybe I am just perceiving it that way but it does feel less efficient.

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