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Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm at a point in my life where I am seeing the greatness and beauty in people in a way that makes me feel alive and hopeful and curious to know more.

From the guys at the shelter to the people in my Saturday morning class - one boy spoke of being stabbed and shot as he attempted to leave gang life behind. A young women spoke of her life growing up in Gary and a man of his in Chicago - a life surrounded by drugs, gritty city, street life and violence. The latter noted at the end of his poem how these were things that no wanted wanted to hear, the instructor questioned his statement and I quietly agreed. I want to hear their stories of survival and life. I want to hear about where they are headed now.

Saturday night, one of our shelter guests was giving the other guys haircuts - soon this young little metalhead comes prancing into our office, glasses on, long hair back and tattoos out. He came to show off his newly shaved hair - T had shaved up the sides. My co-worker and I looked at one another after he danced away and said to one another "We love our job!"

I never want to be a cubicle monkey again.

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