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Thursday, September 17, 2009

A is for:

Assinine things I've said, Notable:
  • When the state Quarters came out years ago, I stood there examining one, eventually asking my husband "Who's Ordie?" Turns out, the Quarter said "Live Free Or Die". Who knew?
  • Shortly after beginning my VISTA job here at the shelter, a co-worker and I took a stroll through the park on the next block over. There are various sorts of activities and a diverse group that hang out there (read: sleep, congregate, deal or buy, use, play frisbee, read, walk their dogs, etc...). As we passed a visibly drunk man perched over his bike, he asked if we had some denomination of money, we said no. "Why not!, not even a Quarter?", he says. And I blurt out, while patting our pockets - "Nope, just our bodies..." What I meant is that we weren't carrying anything but ourselves - no money, no bags, no nothing. Jeesh.
  • Yesterday, a man in the Job Room asked where Wyoming was. Although it seemed odd, I began noting that it was in the Northwest, near Montana. Oops, he was trying to find out where Wyoming, MN was. I forgot there even was one, I don't leave the city enough to keep track of random outlying cities and towns....

I'm sure there are more but that's all my tired brain can dig up right now.

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