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Monday, August 2, 2010

Doing the front desk at the women's organization I work for today, been getting some weird calls:

- A guy referred to us because he wanted to recycle a tv.

- An elderly woman who wanted to donate tons of incontinance pads, the ones that she doesn't like. Unused, of course.

- A woman who wanted financial assistance with her car insurance.

- A woman who wanted to donate professional clothes but inquired about a pair of pants without the hem. She kept wanting to discuss said hem and pants but I told her to go ahead and bring them although I told her (in a nice way) that I wasn't sure that the women in shelter or trans would want to deal with sewing them. She stated that she does it...but still, these ladies are stressed out, chasing young'ens around and probably don't even HAVE a sewing kit. I'm not sure why she thought that the hemless pants were so important. Just bring them, or don't. Simple.

- A woman who was updating information about our agency and asked me questions whose answers were all almost on our website. I had to keep putting other lines on hold to answer her silly questions. GAH!

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