My Blog List

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

/ Sometimes I forget that not everyone knows how to read, 2 men come to mind right away and I know there are more than I even know about. When I spoke to one about a month ago, I had asked if there was anything we could do to help him with it and I've thought about it since - he is nearly 40 and has gotten along so far, at this point, I don't think he wants to pursue it. From what I gather, it's the same situation with the other gentleman, he kind of just wants to let it go and will ask for assistance when needed. Then I wonder if I want them to learn because I feel like they are missing out when, maybe in reality, they may not even care to ever learn. But then I think about how empowered they could feel if they took that step but it's not my job to pressure them, only to help when and if they are ready.

/ More crisis this weekend:

1. A former shelter guest came in, his antidepressants were changed and he was feeling very off, on top of that, he had just moved into a board and lodging unit, which means that he shares a room and has some shared facilities - he had been able to maintain soberity while staying with us and seemed to be doing well. He came in this weekend and had drank that day and was feeling suicidal but kept reassuring me that he wouldn't do anything. I didn't even have a tissue to lend him when he started tearing up. When it comes down to it, it can be challenging to know what to say as you're letting someone talk and trying to both be there for them and determine a risk. He finally agreed that going to the hospital was the best option and arrangements were made.

2. Later that night, a woman came up to me in the parking lot. I asked if I could help her and she started crying, telling me that she needed a place to stay. She had lost her housing that day or the evening before and had spent the day in her car crying and trying to figure out what to do. I whisked her into an office and determined that it wasn't related to Domestic Violence, that narrowed down her options. No young children and no DV means that shelters are few. Luckily, the women's shelter nearby had space that evening when I called for her. Again, there were no tissues as she cried, wondering how she could be 46 years old and have this happen to her. What do I say to that?? In the end, I didn't feel horrible sending her away as I knew that she was in good hands at the shelter she was en route to.

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