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Friday, April 16, 2010

Dear butthighs:

Why must you foresake me? Years of haphazardly purchasing youthful clothing has come to an end. Legs and abs that used to house muscles now hold chub. I must work hard not to fall victim to the horrific mom jeans and applique sweatshirt crowd. My desire for black skinny jeans has been squashed as I yank them up only to find they won't move...I find myself combing the racks both at retail and thrift level desperately seeking a pant that fits. At home, I throw garments across the room in frustration and stomp around, scaring anyone in my path. All because of you, butthighs. I foresee a life a fast paced walking, sprinting on my bike and stairsteppers in my future...

1 comment:

  1. love all your posts, as usual. my advice on this one is something that's worked well for me as i've inched my way into the 30's... eating raw. i'm hungry, i'll snack on an avocado. raw. i want a little pick me up, i'll eat some sprouted almonds. raw. i wake up in the morning & want to enjoy the most important meal of the day.. i make a smoothie. not all raw, but a raw egg, as well as organic banana, strawberry, whole milk, whole PLAIN yogurt (these fats are good for you), and natural peanut butter. and coffee. i love to eat, i do it a lot, but it's most often this type of food, and i've never felt better, and skinny to boot! and don't forget the french secret, red wine! it really does the heart (and body) good, in moderation!
