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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Had a sad conversation tonight with the man we've been working with to get his immigration paperwork pushed through so he can work legit and provide for his wife who stays up north. It was denied again - he sat and cried as he talked to me about not getting it, he is scared to call and tell her. I started to tell him that it would be all right but would it? I don't know that. Why do they make it so hard and so expensive? (I have my theories but who am I?).

Racial tensions are rising at the shelter again, that's always frustrating. Every single one of these groups would be offended if the other called them names but turn around and do it to one another. Two wrongs don't make a right. No one group is better than the other, they are just all different in their own ways.

We barely stopped moving all night, I think it took my co-worker and I nearly an hour to gobble up 2 slices of pizza because there was non-stop action. Good weight loss plan, I suppose.

On the bright side, while there was rain, I didn't have to drive home in a flash flood like I did last night as I was leaving the bookstore in Highland Park. I came home to no power until the wee hours of the morning. My lackluster candles left me yearning for a old timey lantern of some sort. Finally, I laid in bed and read with a flashlight until I got sleepy and called it a day.

1 comment:

  1. i won't lie, i've often wondered how it would affect me to have to experience the type of reality you seem to be exposed to on a daily basis in your line of work. i don't know if it would make me more impassioned & strengthen my resolve or just make me more bitter. but you seem to have the right stuff for working in that field, and by that i mean you seem very good at and cut out for what you do. i admire that, in the same way i admire the honest actions of anybody who's doing what they do to support a cause they believe in. thanks for the post.
