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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

As I am getting closer to closing on this house, I am having a familiar flight feeling. A panic that makes me second guess the whole thing. I mean, what if I want to spend a few months traveling next year (unlikely!) or what if I save up and quit everything and move to Los Angeles once our friends are settled back in...But then I remind myself that once the market improves and I have some years under my belt with the house, I can always sell and will most likely leave with a profit.

It's just the thought of being tied down that makes me uneasy - I mean, 30 year mortgage??!!? GAH! In the past, I've been a up and travel in the spur of the moment type of person. Obviously becoming a parent and being broke for years curbed that lifestyle but I haven't lost the dream, that's for sure. I suppose that I could rent out the house for a summer to some college if the urge ever overtakes me and we need to hit the road.

In some ways, it feels like I am expecting a new baby. I'm getting prepared - ready to nest, have been window shopping accesories and necessary items and preparing for the future. It's fun to plan out how MY house is going to improve over the years as I update areas and add paint and fix up the yard, etc., etc. It's something that I have wanted for so long, and nearly had in my early 20's, but just haven't been able to realize since moving to Minnesota. The time is nigh.